Jawatan Kosong Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia (SKMM) - 31 Mei 2013

Jawatan kosong terkini di Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia (SKMM). The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission is the regulator for the converging communications and multimedia industry based on the powers provided for in the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission Act (1998) and the Communications and Multimedia Act (1998). Pursuant to these Acts the role of the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission is to implement and promote the Government's national policy objectives for the communications and multimedia sector. The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission is also charged with overseeing the new regulatory framework for the converging industries of telecommunications, broadcasting and on-line activities.

On 1 November 2001, the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission also took over regulation of the Postal Industry and was appointed the Certifying Agency pursuant to the Digital Signature Act (1997).

Job vacancies :

1. General Worker (Contract), Rural Development
2. Assistant Director, Planning and Development
3. Assistant Director, Content and Applications Development
4. Assistant Director, Policy Formulation


Closing date : 31 May 2013
Location : Selangor
Sector : GLC

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