Warganegara Malaysia yang berkelayakan dipelawa untuk mengisi jawatan kosong di Jawatan Suruhanjaya Sekuriti Malaysia (SC) April 2013

1. KONSTABEL POLIS BANTUAN-Pengurusan Kemudahan & Perkhidmatan, Sumber Korporat

Peranan anda ialah:
Melaksanakan tugas keselamatan yang diamanahkan untuk memastikan kecemerlangan operasi untuk kakitangan dan pelawat.

Anda harus mempunyai:
  • Warganegara Malaysia berumur 18 hingga 25 tahun
  • Lulus Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) dengan kepujian dalam mata pelajaran Bahasa Malaysia dan lulus tiga (3) mata pelajaran lain termasuk Bahasa Inggeris
  • Mempunyai syarat-syarat ukuran badan dan pancaindera seperti berikut:
  • Tinggi sekurang-kurangnya 170 sm untuk lelaki dan 165sm untuk wanita tanpa sepatu;
  • Berat badan sekurang-kurangnya 50kg bagi lelaki dan 47kg bagi wanita;
  • Ukuran dada yang biasa sekurang-kurangnya 81sm dan 86sm semasa menarik nafas (dikecualikan untuk wanita);
  • Lulus ujian penglihatan bagi mata kiri dan kanan yang diuji berasingan dengan ketepatan v/6/9 tanpa menggunakan cermin mata atau kanta lekap; dan
  • Pengecaman warna dan pendengaran yang tidak cacat.
  • Bebas daripada sebarang rekod jenayah
  • Calon-calon yang mempunyai pengalaman kerja yang berkaitan adalah diutamakan.
  • Calon-calon yang terpilih dikehendaki mengikuti and lulus latihan "Kursus Asas Polis Bantuan" di Pusat Latihan Polis selama sembilan (9) minggu dan mestilah bersedia bertugas tiga (3) giliran syif.
Tarikh tutup : 16 Mei 2013 


2. SENIOR EXECUTIVE-Transaction Disclosures Department

Your role is to :
  • The Transaction Disclosures Department's main objective is to promote enhanced disclosures under the current disclosure-based regulatory regime.
  • The candidate's role is to analyse corporate transactions with the objective of ascertaining whether the disclosures relating to the background, merits and corporate governance issues arising from the transactions are adequate, meaningful and not misleading. 
  • The candidate is expected to assist in the review of disclosures made by listed companies on major corporate transactions with a view to making recommendations on enhancing the disclosures and to ensure that the disclosures made are in compliance with the relevant securities laws, regulations and guidelines. 
  • The candidate will also be required, from time to time, to assist in research and analysis in relation to any developmental project undertaken by the Transaction Disclosures department.

You should have :
  • A strong first degree
  • 1-2 years of relevant working experience will be considered favourably

Tarikh tutup : 05 Mei 2013 


3. SENIOR MANAGER-Shariah Department

Your role is to :
  • Conduct related Shariah research and drafts various reports or research proposals for the development of ICM products and services

You should have :

  • A strong first degree
  • Ability to read and interpret classical Arabic text
  • 1-2 years of relevant working experience will be considered favourably

Tarikh tutup : 05 Mei 2013 


4. SENIOR MANAGER-Operational Policy And Regulation

Your role is to :
  • Formulate and review policies, guidelines, practices & procedures relating to Corporate Finance & Investments (CFI) so as to ensure consistency in practice across CFI
  • Review and make appropriate recommendations on Bursa's submissions for listing requirements reform to ensure regulatory objectives under the Capital Markets and Services Act are met

You should have :
  • A strong first degree
  • 6-10 years of relevant working experience will be considered favourably

Tarikh tutup : 05 Mei 2013 


How to Apply?
Qualified candidates are invited to submit the SC online recruitment application form which could be accessed via this link https://careersatsc.seccom.com.my/career/. Please also attach scanned copies of resume/CV with your relevant certificates and transcripts when submitting application. The duly completed application will be reviewed and only candidates who meet the recruitment criteria will be notified.

(Only shortlisted candidates will be notified)


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