Jawatan Kosong Perusahaan Otomobil Kedua (PERODUA) (05 Mei 2013)

Jawatan Kerja Kosong Perusahaan Otomobil Kedua (PERODUA)
Kerja Kosong Perusahaan Otomobil Kedua (PERODUA)
We offer a wide range of career paths for those with the ability and desire to excel, ranging from engineering, information technology, accountancy, sales, marketing, human resource and general administration. Send in your resume to the respective companies, it may be the start of your road to success:-

1. Technical Assistant
2. Perantis Penyembur cat / Pengetuk Badan Kenderaan
3. Customer Relations Assistant
4. Sales Advisor Apprentice Program (SAAP)
5. Admin Assistant (Temporary)

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Tarikh Tutup Permohonan:- 05 Mei 2013

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